If you don’t have either of these though, the Tranq Rifle is perfectly serviceable. If you have Ivara or Equinox, you don’t have to buy the Tranq Rifle, since you can use their Sleep Arrows or Rest abilities to incapacitate animals - which can actually be really helpful in getting perfect captures. He’s accessible from the fast travel menu, so head over and browse his wares.

These are both procured from a character called “The Business”, who you can find in Fortuna. To hunt in Warframe, there are two main things that you’re always going to need: a Tranq Rifle, and an Echo-Lure. Manage cookie settings Warframe: Perfect Animal Captures in Orb Vallis Start Hunting If you prefer video walkthroughs, we’ve embedded a handy run-down by YouTuber Faceless Beanie below: To see this content please enable targeting cookies. You might not know how to hunt in Warframe, you might not have six different Echo-Lures to entice different animals to your hunting spot and complete the requirements for the challenge, or you might just keep getting stuck with bad captures. There are multiple different things that can go wrong here. One of the trickier weekly Nightwave Acts is Conservationist, which involves not just capturing animals out in Orb Vallis, but doing it perfectly, and six different times.